(May 3, 2017 at 4:20 pm)Luckie Wrote: Problemo, without free will what's the point of any of this?? You say god wanted people to be able to choose to be with him or not.But again not all are His. The choice given are to His people.
Quote:Those babies would never get the chance to choose.You are right in most of those type situations there isn't any choice. So why no pull the plug and reset the router?
Quote:So what's the ppint of choosing if babies can't choose and end up with him, or people who never herd the word of God get a free pass too?No one gets a free pass Jesus paid for all the passes they just don't cost us anything, not the same as being free. That said because Jesus paid he gets to judge/choose who honered the Spirit of what He said was worth redemption.
Quote:What's this making a distinction between "good" and "bad" babies?!there are good seed and bad seed meaning some seed grow into wheat others grow into weeds, it is by out fruit or what we actually yield that determines whether we are good or bad not where or to whom we were born.
Quote:There is no such thing. Learned behavior and child bombers are innocents.which God judges as such... So be it not better for them to meet with God now and get plugged into another life where they could do some good or be welcomed home? or grow up this go round as a weed?
Quote:Your heart has beer bared and it is made of stone!!