The only way to know how a guaranteed basic income (sometimes called negative income tax) would work is to try it.
They will be doing a test in Ontario shortly:
They have already done a test previously way back in the 1970's in Manitoba called Mincome:
The results were not conclusive and tests will never replace an entire roll out anyway.
These systems are meant to replace all other types of public assistance so as to create a more efficient overall system with far less bureaucracy. Also, the basic income is slowly phased out so that it is still to your advantage to work even part time as you'll make more overall. It disappears completely at some set level.
I don't know if this can be self sustaining. It is obvious that it will fail in some societies and yet that doesn't prove it will fail in all societies. With massive amounts of wealth accumulating at the top and automation on the way I'm glad we're at least testing this. However, economics is stochastic and there are no models that can accurately predict the long term outcome. There may still be a fatal flaw in the disincentive to work even though attempts are made to minimize this. I remain skeptical on the whole and to be honest, there is a big part of me that doesn't want to see my taxes go up without extremely good reason. But I'm willing to honestly look at the data.
They will be doing a test in Ontario shortly:
They have already done a test previously way back in the 1970's in Manitoba called Mincome:
The results were not conclusive and tests will never replace an entire roll out anyway.
These systems are meant to replace all other types of public assistance so as to create a more efficient overall system with far less bureaucracy. Also, the basic income is slowly phased out so that it is still to your advantage to work even part time as you'll make more overall. It disappears completely at some set level.
I don't know if this can be self sustaining. It is obvious that it will fail in some societies and yet that doesn't prove it will fail in all societies. With massive amounts of wealth accumulating at the top and automation on the way I'm glad we're at least testing this. However, economics is stochastic and there are no models that can accurately predict the long term outcome. There may still be a fatal flaw in the disincentive to work even though attempts are made to minimize this. I remain skeptical on the whole and to be honest, there is a big part of me that doesn't want to see my taxes go up without extremely good reason. But I'm willing to honestly look at the data.
If god was real he wouldn't need middle men to explain his wants or do his bidding.