RE: Can someone tell me where in the 2nd amendment it says you can carry machine guns?
May 10, 2017 at 5:28 pm
(May 10, 2017 at 8:05 am)Brian37 Wrote:(May 10, 2017 at 7:46 am)Jeanne Wrote: The reason we have guns is to kill other living creatures. Guns kill so that you don't have to get up close. Long range rifles keep you even farther away from the creature that you intend to kill.
The reason that we have large capacity magazines is so we can shoot more times before reloading; so killing more living creatures or giving us more of a chance to kill one if conditions are not conducive to a single-shot kill.
The reason that the Bill of Rights includes the common sense Second Amendment is to provide The People with the means to keep their governments free of tyrants and to keep their liberties intact, as well as, provide for the defense of their communities and nation. It was such a common sense liberty that there were many who thought it need not be included in this extremely important document.
Our Constitution has always been to protect the rights of the individual and the states, while allowing for a well-controlled central government. IS about me. It IS about each of us and what rights we have guaranteed by the supreme law of our land.
In some locales, citizens are encouraged to responsibly own at least one firearm per household and I think there is one county that makes it a local law to do so.
Each and every regulation acts to restrict in some manner the right of the individual to bear arms.
In the situations described in the Second Amendment, The People should want up-to-date firearms with large capacity magazines and more than just pistols and rifles in order to be "well regulated."
Would it be a fool's errand to stand against tyranny? Do we currently see citizens of nations standing against tyranny without guns? Are they fools? Do they have a natural right to fight against tyranny in their own countries? Would you fight with them if you were a citizen there? Would you rather have a gun?
Those who carry long rifles in public do so to make the point that each of us has that right. Too many have forgotten that it is the individual who is of supreme importance in the framing of the Constitution. How can many be granted the liberty to govern themselves and still form a nation united? That was a tricky business, which I think went well. It was always accepted that its citizens must be responsible, informed and moral for it to keep working well.
Was it the gun that became the "fly in the ointment" or was it something else? Is the gun just an easy target for those who WANT a different America now? When I read the quotes of Leftists who would alter the Bill of Rights in many ways, I see the gun as just that; proceed down this path and then The People will be lambs to the slaughter and we will finally have our Communist America.
This is why for many of us we agree; "from my cold dead hands."
Are we any more extreme than others whose vision is for America in serfdom?
Stop discussing who wants bans or partial bans or restrictions and laws and get to the heart of why we have a Bill of Rights, which includes a Second Amendment, a First Amendment, etc.
Stop discussing rights while skipping the responsibility part, and even the 2nd has the word "regulated" in it, and regulations are what hold us to being responsible.
You have a right to a car, you don't have a right to a 5 lane wide monster truck on a public highway.
You have a right to drink beer, but not drink and drive. You have a right to drink beer, but not sell it to kids.
Bans on some things are not oppression. You have a right to buy Asprin, but without a medical degree you don't have a right to prescribe codine or morphine.
Yes we have a First Amendment too, and part of that is my right to say we have a problem with how we view firearms as a society.
Regulations are not oppressing anyone's rights, not regulating speech and not regulation of firearms.
So many issues with this post.
Nobody is ignoring the responsibility of firearms ownership in this thread. To use your own tricks, go find where anyone says that it should be a free-for-all?
I pointed out that AR-15s without selectable fire are by definition not machine guns. I also pointed out that there is the 2A and then there are laws like the NFA that carve out things like machine guns (>1 bang per squeeze). Then there are state laws and local ordinances. I have friends who don't want firearms in their houses and I do not carry when I visit them because their house, their rules.
Show me where I have the "right" to own a car, please. If I have the resources I can purchase a car. Owning a car is not an inalienable right.
Show me where I have the "right" to drink beer, please. If I'm under a certain magic age I clearly do not have that right.
Your drinking and driving example is telling. We already have laws that cover injury caused to other persons. Who is harmed if Tex drinks a couple of beers and then drives home safely? Where exactly is the harm? You won't find one because drink-driving is a malum prohibitum law. It's bad because we say so. If some drunk crashes into my car but does no harm, I have the legal right to restitution. The drunk is legally accountable for her actions. What if it was some fanboi street racer instead? what exactly changes if someone operates negligently, without influence of chemistry, and causes harm? Should we pass laws that say if fanboi street racers do harm they can be double-secret punished? Should we allow traffic stops on suspicion of being a fanboi?
Who chooses whether bans on some things are oppression? Who is the umpire? Be careful not to say "the majority." The rights and interests of the minority are legally protected.
So you're just mad because, in your opinion, you think there are too many guns in the USA. To that I say there's no putting the cork back in. You can either choose to own firearms or not to own them. That's your right.
It's clear that you have a passing knowledge of some firearms stuff, but you really don't understand how guns are regulated here. There are hundreds of pages of legislation at every level. So other than just wanting fewer guns, what is your point?
Here's a challenge for you. Try to reply without cursing.