Your better off braking off chase. the likely hood of her accepting you on the terms you desire are very low. Start fresh with another woman you barely know and your odds of success goes up greatly. If she dates ass-holes, that is type she will always seek out. Don't waste your time with her, you will regret it. I know what I'm talking about since I've been in the same boat as you since my freshmen year of high school. I met a girl and was never given the chance. Because of her, I based my entire search patterns based around the style and even appearance as well.
I'm thirty years old, never have dated anyone because very very few woman can even match up to her. If your willing to accept the same fate as I have, go all out and confess to her (A chance I never took), if she says no, oh well at least you tried. If that happens, you will lose her as a friend though. So ask yourself, are you willing to risk your friendship ruined to have a potential chance of short-term or even the goal of long-term happiness? Best of luck with your endeavor
I'm thirty years old, never have dated anyone because very very few woman can even match up to her. If your willing to accept the same fate as I have, go all out and confess to her (A chance I never took), if she says no, oh well at least you tried. If that happens, you will lose her as a friend though. So ask yourself, are you willing to risk your friendship ruined to have a potential chance of short-term or even the goal of long-term happiness? Best of luck with your endeavor