Frodo if I stood here telling you what factual claims are found in the bible we would be here all day and accomplish nothing.So here is something to start with,ask yourself the question, where is?Related to everything you know about the bible.For example:Where is the garden of Eden,the ark of the covenant,the stones containing the original ten commandments,noahs ark not the blurry photo on top of mount Ararat that no one can get to or identify,where are the remains of Jesus,his robe or his sandals at least,his cross,tomb,and finally hard evidence that he ever existed as an historical figure outside of the N.T.As for the rest of the where is questions all I can say is have fun.
The catholic church were and probably still are horders of christian relics and closer to the time of the alleged existence of Christ and they have nothing.That is of course unless it's all hidden in a secret vault under the Vatican.
The catholic church were and probably still are horders of christian relics and closer to the time of the alleged existence of Christ and they have nothing.That is of course unless it's all hidden in a secret vault under the Vatican.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition