Probably not unprecedented, but when I wired a house many years ago, I put in a couple plugins around the place that came on when the doorbell or phone rang. The occupant was quite hard of hearing and loved the feature. People don't press doorbell buttons the same way phones ring, so he could always tell what was up when the lamps came on.
Another house had an attached garage and the homeowner really wanted a working smoke detector in the garage but with his work on small engines and such, the false alarms were more than he could deal with.
I found a bathroom heat lamp timer wall switch (to cite something every one is familiar with as all motel bathrooms seem to have them, the devices are generic in their utility, BTW) and by utilizing the relay contact other than the one you're supposed to use (setting the timer turns connected device 'on') had one that works 'backwards', that is when the time interval elapses, it turns whatever is connected to it back on.
So, when he went to the garage to work on something, he'd set the timer for however long he intended to be there, and regardless, the smoke alarm would eventually come back on.
Probably violates national electrical code, but alternative was no alarm at all. So there, safety people!
Another house had an attached garage and the homeowner really wanted a working smoke detector in the garage but with his work on small engines and such, the false alarms were more than he could deal with.
I found a bathroom heat lamp timer wall switch (to cite something every one is familiar with as all motel bathrooms seem to have them, the devices are generic in their utility, BTW) and by utilizing the relay contact other than the one you're supposed to use (setting the timer turns connected device 'on') had one that works 'backwards', that is when the time interval elapses, it turns whatever is connected to it back on.
So, when he went to the garage to work on something, he'd set the timer for however long he intended to be there, and regardless, the smoke alarm would eventually come back on.
Probably violates national electrical code, but alternative was no alarm at all. So there, safety people!
The granting of a pardon is an imputation of guilt, and the acceptance a confession of it.