(July 28, 2017 at 2:12 am)Godscreated Wrote:(July 28, 2017 at 12:30 am)Brian37 Wrote: So you are sure men pop out of dirt?
Only one man was made from the dust of the earth directly. The rest of us have mothers.
Brian37 Wrote:You are sure women pop out of a man's rib?
Yes, no doubts.
Brian37 Wrote:You are sure that the sun and moon are separate sources of light despite science saying that the photons of the sun bounce off the moon?
God wasn't trying to give a science lesson and the people of the time wouldn't have understood. He did give men brains so that later when we came to understand what was actually happening that we would have understood what and why He stated it in the manner He did. Can't you see that?
Brian37 Wrote:You are sure that Australian Kangaroos swam across several thousands of miles of ocean to get to the Ark?
Are you sure that Australia wasn't connected by a land bridge, or that the one super continent was still together?
Brian37 Wrote:You are sure that despite a limited gene pool after the flood nobody was fucking family members?
A limited gene pool would have nothing to do with that, your question could be asked about people today, think about it. But to answer your intended question, God did not give a commandment against such marriages until Moses time. I suspect it was because the gene pool was of a purer state and by Moses time the gene pool had become corrupted enough so that God gave the commandment against inter family marriage.
Brian37 Wrote:You are sure God ..... proved he was the father of the baby? You are sure that Jesus survived death like Penn and Teller sawed the woman in half?
I'm sure God worked the miracle of the virgin birth, Christ was already the Son before He came to earth to live as a man. Penn and Teller never sawed a woman in half it was an illusion just as you pointed out. Jesus died and was resurrected and in that I have no doubt. Trying to compare the supernatural with the natural is a losing argument for you.
Brian37 Wrote:Yep you sound like me when I had a Blockbuster video membership. Went in to rent a movie, spent hours picking one out, got home only to watch it and regretted renting it. I think you are simply stuck in the video store stuck on the shiny packaging and haven't gone back home to stick the video in your player.
I guess we have all rented a movie we disliked. With that said, I live in a relationship with the living God and I know it's real for many different reasons, of coarse you wouldn't believe they were valid but then God has revealed them to me for me.
(July 28, 2017 at 12:56 am)Astreja Wrote: Well, I happen to have science on my side. Awareness requires brainwave activity within a certain frequency range. Dead brains do not generate any brainwaves; hence, no thought, no memory, no sensation and no belief. (To put this in perspective, we don't experience those things in deep, dreamless sleep either.)
Therefore, if your alleged god wanted to punish someone for what they did in their mortal lifetime, it would have to deliberately and with malice of forethought recreate that person's neural network, complete with memories of that person's deeds, solely for the purpose of torturing them forever. When one considers that it would be just as easy to recreate a heaven-worthy personality, your god is *ahem* without excuse.
I am so sure that heaven and hell are utter bollocks, though, that I actually took a vow to go to hell if for some reason it exists (although I doubt that very, very much). It's been 10 years since I made that vow and I have no regrets and no fear.
God doesn't have to recreate those things in those who have chosen hell, those memories reside in the soul and will remain with them forever in hell. Seeing that people choose hell they are responsible for where they spend eternity, God is giving them their choice. If God saved you for heaven against your will you would go screaming and kicking into heaven and that just wouldn't work for many reasons I'm sure scientific mind can reason. As for your last statement above. You will!
Your God does not exist, but if you agree that the book does not claim the character was trying to teach science, then why would I need the character? I can find morals in Charlotte's Web too, but nobody has turned that into a religion.
No sorry, I was just having this same argument with a guy on Twitter about this. Back when that was written the writers really did make a bad guess and DID think that the moon was it's own source of light. Just like they thought falsely that the earth was made in 6 days.
What you are doing, is trying to make excuses to cling to bad claims and old claims because science has now come along and said, "It didn't happen that way."
I am being fair to you because I don't give credit to any part of antiquity anywhere in the world under any religious label, for what modern science knows now.
Everyone of every religion worldwide claims their religion makes them good. I am arguing that our species behaviors are in our genes, not old mythology or old religions. Our ability to make discoveries is because our species evolved to be curious. Our species certainly has the capability to be compassionate and non violent and sharing. I simply dispute that a religion does that or a holy writing does that.
Humans make those things up and merely think that is how good and bad are explained. But again, every religion in the world does this.