(July 31, 2017 at 9:07 am)Losty Wrote: @Drich, be honest. Not all Christians believe those are the two fundamental things. I mean take the second thing for example, I know of a Christian who publicly berated a rape victim for kicks and giggles on a forum one time. Pretty sure he didn't think loving thy neighbor was all that important. Or maybe he just thinks it literally means to diddle the person who lives next door...hmm. I don't know.
@OP, the thing I'm not understand is what part of the movie God's Not Dead was promoting killing Muslims and atheists?
I'm shocked!!! Who would ever do such a thing???
What a terrible person, unless he was calling someone out on their bullsh*t. At which point that person COULD be seen as defending real rape victims from those who use a sexual 'mistake' as an opportunity to pull the rape card and settle a discussion. Because Jesus never did anything like that, oh, wait he did when he told the murderous self righteous who wanted to stone a woman for adultery; 'the one without sin cast the first stone.' There Christ called out the real sinners who were pretending to be righteous and steer the crowd toward murdering an adulterer, rather than falling into their little trap (because if he said stone her he would be in violation with roman law, and if he said no he would be in violation with God's law.) So he called the B/Sers out on what they were really doing. and said (while reportedly writing out their sins in the dirt) those of you who have no sin cast the first stone.
I did the same when I challenged the other story and left my own. So what did the 'good people' do? they attacked the real victim. (me for not dragging this thing out after 30 years and relive it when ever someone tells a rape story. For not mentioning it as a method of one ups man ship. then I made the faupaux challenge someone else to stop burying their crap for 20+ years and get some help.) So in essence I was stoned verbally by you 'good people' for being the victim, trying to get another victim to help themselves, but I guess that is not how you remember it huh? You don't remember the ATHEIST tearing into me for 30+ pages and then started "a get rid of him thread, despite he has broken no rules" which went on for 60 more pages.
Yeah cause that is a great example of Christian atheist not loving you as himself..