Quote:You can't simply claim special pleading. Illustrate how there are similar circumstances in some other religion. Back up your argument.
A billion muslims think mohammed was real. A billion xristards think jesus was real. There is no evidence for either as the beliefs of shitheads does not constitute evidence.
As a matter of fact is is the well-known fallacy:
Quote:The ad populum fallacy is the appeal to the popularity of a claim as a reason for accepting it.
The number of people who believe a claim is irrelevant to its truth. Fifty million people can be wrong. In fact, millions of people have been wrong about many things: that the Earth is flat and motionless, for example, and that the stars are lights shining through holes in the sky.The ad populum fallacy is also referred to as the bandwagon fallacy, the appeal to the mob, the democratic fallacy, and the appeal to popularity.
In fact, a billion asswipes believing something without evidence virtually guarantees it is bullshit.