If you're gonna search for some sort of objective morality and rely on guidance from a source that you personally interpret as divine you're gonna have a bad time. Morality is more subjective and is something we form together with the people around us. We as humans work out and agree upon what is moral and what is not based on our evolved and our cultural values. This means that morality is constantly changing and developing and we see this throughout our entire history, that is why ancient morals from old books tend to clash with what is moral today.
Stop trying to find it in some god and find morality with the people around you that you share the world with like we've done for thousands of years.
Stop trying to find it in some god and find morality with the people around you that you share the world with like we've done for thousands of years.
"History is something that very few people have been doing while everyone else was ploughing fields and carrying water buckets." -Yuval Noah Harari