(January 10, 2018 at 2:02 pm)Jörmungandr Wrote: @Drich
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Nobody who is tainted with the stain of sin may enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those sanctified by God's grace become free of sin. God's grace is given out to people at random, he just willy-nilly grants his grace to random people regardless of what they have said or done or believed. He will grant his grace equally as likely to the most unrepentant sinner as to the most devout believer. In other words, it's all a crap shoot, and there is no point in dedicating your life to Christ because in the end it isn't going to make any difference. Getting into heaven is simply the luck of the draw.
Have I understood you correctly?
That's Calvinism in a nutshell. Predestination and all.
But not all Protestant/Evangelical types who adhere to Sola Fide think this way. In one other view, the person has to want the gift of salvation, and that will is the person's own "doing" so to speak, and not because God made them want it.