Quote:I get erring on the side of caution, which is why the Church is very careful not to say "Everyone can go to Heaven, don't worry, just be a good person!!"
Of course the church doesn't say that, it's not church doctrine, so what gives you the authority to say these things?
Quote:...Heck, Pope Francis got a lot of crap for saying almost exactly that lol.
Lol? Are you sure you're a Catholic? Do you really not understand why Franky's comments went down like a lead balloon with the Vatican apparatchiks? What he said did not comply with church doctrine.
Quote:...I dont see how it can make logical sense for good and honest people to get damned from an honest mistake,...
You've been talking to atheist haven't you? It's a rum do all right. Now apply that newly acquired logical sense of yours to, let's say... how about transubstantiation? What do you make of it?
It's amazing 'science' always seems to 'find' whatever it is funded for, and never the oppsite. Drich.