RE: Share your worldview?
February 5, 2018 at 11:35 pm
(This post was last modified: February 5, 2018 at 11:35 pm by Nay_Sayer.)
(February 5, 2018 at 10:20 pm)psalm531 Wrote: Wow. Thanks for the replies.Bold mine.
The reason I didn't initially open it up to a group discussion is that the assignment is to interview one person. But I'd certainly like to get other thoughts if you'd like to share. If so, below are the starting questions I was going to ask - on 4 general topics. If not, just ignore them...
How do you think we got here - how did humans originate? FSM took from himself a single spiral and crafted it into what we know as DNA, We were supposed to come from dolphins but a slight error in wind speed caused the DNA to land in a great ape and the rest is history.
Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, God, other? FSM created the universe to share his endless love with his creations, us.
What do you think the purpose of life is? To cherrish every moment and make the best of each second we get, To lend ease and comfort to those who cannot.
Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning? Same as above
Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why? No, In fact, hamsters are the end goal, So sayeth the lord.
Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder) yes, Murder is bad? oops
Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad? Yes, I let FSM guide me to the truth
Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute? Absolute, as dictated by the holy of holy's FSM
If you don't believe in sin, do you ever feel guilty? I do believe in sin, don't presume my beliefs
What happens to us after death? We are taught all humans will ascend into the great hall of judgement, There if deemed worthy you will enter the endless nirvana that has strippers, an endless buffet, doughnut rain, stripers, mansions for everyone and a beer volcano
Is there a heaven / hell? yes
If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do? The great nirvana is available to all who open their hearts to FSM, for he is the only way. The great boiling awaits those who were dicks in life and those who followed the wrong idols. Fret not, for no boiling is forever.
"For the only way to eternal glory is a life lived in service of our Lord, FSM; Verily it is FSM who is the perfect being the name higher than all names, king of all kings and will bestow upon us all, one day, The great reclaiming" -The Prophet Boiardi-
Conservative trigger warning.
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