"God" "gods" "god" "deity, are all gap answers.
You are simply assuming a super cognition is required as a starting point. In reality the truth is humans make up those claims as a reflection of their own attributes in desire to control, desire to survive, desire for power and fear of death.
I do not see something or nothing in conflict when you split them between "on" and "off" like a light switch. Just like in school you learned a finite line can have an infinite number of points between the finite line ends.
If you can accept Poseidon isn't required to explain the existence off hurricanes, and you accept that Thor is not required to explain the existence of lightening, why do you think your pet flavor of sky wizard would be more credible?
I see "all this" as a giant weather pattern, not cognitive and not caring about humans. Just like Poseidon didn't exist as a human claim 4 billion years ago, just like our species did not exist 4 billion years ago. Humans are simply an outcome of countless cosmic conditions, and still ultimately a temporary blip in cosmic time.
I see the "off" and "on" being infinite but not caused, a mere fluctuation, "off" for a while, then a big bang, then "on" for a while until the energy burns out back to "off" then a quantum twitch leading to another "on".
But no, there is no Allah or Yahweh or Jesus or Hindu creator God Brhama needed to explain our universe.
Most humans simply get sold their religion at birth before they can formulate adult critical thinking skills.
You are simply assuming a super cognition is required as a starting point. In reality the truth is humans make up those claims as a reflection of their own attributes in desire to control, desire to survive, desire for power and fear of death.
I do not see something or nothing in conflict when you split them between "on" and "off" like a light switch. Just like in school you learned a finite line can have an infinite number of points between the finite line ends.
If you can accept Poseidon isn't required to explain the existence off hurricanes, and you accept that Thor is not required to explain the existence of lightening, why do you think your pet flavor of sky wizard would be more credible?
I see "all this" as a giant weather pattern, not cognitive and not caring about humans. Just like Poseidon didn't exist as a human claim 4 billion years ago, just like our species did not exist 4 billion years ago. Humans are simply an outcome of countless cosmic conditions, and still ultimately a temporary blip in cosmic time.
I see the "off" and "on" being infinite but not caused, a mere fluctuation, "off" for a while, then a big bang, then "on" for a while until the energy burns out back to "off" then a quantum twitch leading to another "on".
But no, there is no Allah or Yahweh or Jesus or Hindu creator God Brhama needed to explain our universe.
Most humans simply get sold their religion at birth before they can formulate adult critical thinking skills.