(March 8, 2018 at 6:27 pm)mh.brewer Wrote: Lets face it, some people need god mentally. Fear, care taker, father figure, eternal existence promise, judge, manipulation, tribe/herd urge, ...................
If they didn't, religion would have died out ages ago.
People demand Gods even if they aren't religious. They want someone to control them and to tell them what to do and what to think and how to act. So they will eagerly elevate one of their group to be their God. They will follow him to the bitter end, even if it means their own destruction.
You see that behavior all the time in movies and in real life. A criminal tells his buddies that they need to go lynch someone and they get all worked up and eagerly do his bidding. A politician tells his sheep that they should oppress another group and they jump at the opportunity to please him.
Religious con men use the idea that there's some celestial deity in charge but it's just them who are pulling the strings. They are no different than the leader of a lynch mob or criminal gang. In the Bible the character Moses is a perfect example of this. He used religion and force to enrich himself and his gang of thieves.