1. Stop the manufacture, importation or sale of anything more rapid fire than a revolver. Place a huge tax on ammunition for what remains. Shotguns and actual hunting rifles will remain legal. So too shall muskets for ceremonial militia groups. People need to be reminded of what the fucking militia was
2. Set a date for a National Gun Buy Back period. I know 2d amendmentards never read the rest of the fucking thing but the 5th Amendment requires that no one be deprived of property without due process and just compensation. Expensive? Yes. But we can save a lot of money on health care from all these shootings and divert money from arming the cops with tanks to getting guns off the street. Once the deadline has passed anyone with a weapon which does not pass muster is, by definition, no longer a Law-Abiding Responsible Gun Owner ( a L-ARGO) and is subject to having their guns confiscated.
3. Take all the weapons recovered in step two, melt them down and cast a monument to the victims of the NRA's unholy crusade for profit. It can be in the shape of a gigantic prick with FUCK THE NRA inscribed on the balls and placed opposite the Washington Monument. I hope it isn't bigger but that can't be helped.
4. We can all meet on the National Mall, burn Wayne LaPierre at the stake and congratulate our fellow survivors of Gun Nut Nation's reign of terror.
2. Set a date for a National Gun Buy Back period. I know 2d amendmentards never read the rest of the fucking thing but the 5th Amendment requires that no one be deprived of property without due process and just compensation. Expensive? Yes. But we can save a lot of money on health care from all these shootings and divert money from arming the cops with tanks to getting guns off the street. Once the deadline has passed anyone with a weapon which does not pass muster is, by definition, no longer a Law-Abiding Responsible Gun Owner ( a L-ARGO) and is subject to having their guns confiscated.
3. Take all the weapons recovered in step two, melt them down and cast a monument to the victims of the NRA's unholy crusade for profit. It can be in the shape of a gigantic prick with FUCK THE NRA inscribed on the balls and placed opposite the Washington Monument. I hope it isn't bigger but that can't be helped.
4. We can all meet on the National Mall, burn Wayne LaPierre at the stake and congratulate our fellow survivors of Gun Nut Nation's reign of terror.