Happy to see that i'm not alone in this world to take such things seriously.
It is true that some women are like that, but i think that in the long run, there is as many different type of women psych as there is women...
And that is exactly where it bugs me. I'm all to explain them everything (but right now they are too young in my mind), and let them choose for themself, that is one of the main reason that i insisted on not having them baptised (that one was not open to negociation, it was either that or no children...). I am not saying that i won't be disapointed if they see ''the almighty truth'' of a religion or another, but i will accept it as being part of what they decided themselves to put faith in with all the data in hand.
But wife and familly are not even real christian, just follower of old tradition concernig birth, marriage and funerals. Wife is a beliver in the 'greater things'', but with clear boudhist tendancy. So why is church so damned important to them??? Just can't understand this part. In fact, why did she (cause after all that is where the main problem lies, i can always deal with the rest of the familly) insist on taking them in a catholic church and not in any other faith temple...
Have you ever been confronted to peoples who disminished the importance of your ''faith'', or more exactly lack of it?
Quote:Stating the nature of the female isn't stereotyping Evie. It's bollocks over political correctness to shy away from biological differences.
It is true that some women are like that, but i think that in the long run, there is as many different type of women psych as there is women...
Quote:..I don't think I'm being too cynical to think that it's childhood indoctrination (and arguably abusive) for children of SUCH a young age to be 'brought up' in a religion and a particular religion for that matter (others closed-off)
And that is exactly where it bugs me. I'm all to explain them everything (but right now they are too young in my mind), and let them choose for themself, that is one of the main reason that i insisted on not having them baptised (that one was not open to negociation, it was either that or no children...). I am not saying that i won't be disapointed if they see ''the almighty truth'' of a religion or another, but i will accept it as being part of what they decided themselves to put faith in with all the data in hand.
But wife and familly are not even real christian, just follower of old tradition concernig birth, marriage and funerals. Wife is a beliver in the 'greater things'', but with clear boudhist tendancy. So why is church so damned important to them??? Just can't understand this part. In fact, why did she (cause after all that is where the main problem lies, i can always deal with the rest of the familly) insist on taking them in a catholic church and not in any other faith temple...
Have you ever been confronted to peoples who disminished the importance of your ''faith'', or more exactly lack of it?
Wizard's first rule
eople are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.