In "The Jesus Puzzle" Earl Doherty notes this stance of many biblical scholars.
How quaint. Except it ignores the fact that according to those same silly gospels these disciples were a bunch of illiterate, Aramaic-speaking, dumbasses who not only would have had no chance for reading.comprehending actual Hebrew scriptures but then somehow they managed to turn that into highly literate Greek gospels. Dismissing the asinine jesus-freak claim of "miracles" which they always manage to trot out, none of this makes any sense at all.
Quote:In their fervor and distress following the crucifixion, the followers of Jesus scrambled to understand
what had just happened, to interpret the meaning of their Master’s life, to put a name to his role
in God’s plan. They ran to their bibles and began to apply all manner of scriptural passages to
him, especially those looked upon as messianic by the Jewish thinking of the time.
How quaint. Except it ignores the fact that according to those same silly gospels these disciples were a bunch of illiterate, Aramaic-speaking, dumbasses who not only would have had no chance for reading.comprehending actual Hebrew scriptures but then somehow they managed to turn that into highly literate Greek gospels. Dismissing the asinine jesus-freak claim of "miracles" which they always manage to trot out, none of this makes any sense at all.