It's ironic how considering how the bible tends to degrade women and make of them second class citizens in the scriptures that the women tend to be the most loyal in their religious beliefs and convictions than men.
madscientist my advice to you is to take a stand on your non belief and make it known to your wife and anyone who is interested in knowing.when I first proclaimed myself an atheist I was "in the closet" for awhile but one day it dawned on me.I figured that the same way that christians had the right to proclaim their beliefs to the world openly I too had the right to proclaim my unbelief openly as well.
I never hide my atheism from anyone you either accept it or move on with your life basically.In my former church of pentecostalism they dont believe in baptizing children but they do a dedication ceremony where you promise the lord to raise your children in the ways of the Lord.My wife insisted on doing this and I showed my lack of support by not participating in it.My brother in law was my stand in since I told my wife that I did not believe in that any longer and refused to take part in it.
madscientist my advice to you is to take a stand on your non belief and make it known to your wife and anyone who is interested in knowing.when I first proclaimed myself an atheist I was "in the closet" for awhile but one day it dawned on me.I figured that the same way that christians had the right to proclaim their beliefs to the world openly I too had the right to proclaim my unbelief openly as well.
I never hide my atheism from anyone you either accept it or move on with your life basically.In my former church of pentecostalism they dont believe in baptizing children but they do a dedication ceremony where you promise the lord to raise your children in the ways of the Lord.My wife insisted on doing this and I showed my lack of support by not participating in it.My brother in law was my stand in since I told my wife that I did not believe in that any longer and refused to take part in it.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition