I once dated this guy who was the lead singer in this band... though I don't remember what it was called, but they played music with children's toys that had been altered in various ways. At each show they did something different, like once they performed a c-section of a geisha, and just all kinds of strange things. They ended up creating some kind of religion, and it had to do with a hemoglobin, but it was very elaborate. This was 8 years ago so I am way sketchy on the details, but it was brilliant. They dressed like priests, handed out pamphlets, and had me dress like a school girl and they all drank my blood after giving me their "holy protein".
I think it would be interesting. If you think about it, we are all in a cult of science... some people are just too ignorant to know it. I love science, personally. As a matter of fact, I pretty much worship it.
I think it would be interesting. If you think about it, we are all in a cult of science... some people are just too ignorant to know it. I love science, personally. As a matter of fact, I pretty much worship it.