(September 6, 2011 at 1:48 am)Cinjin Wrote: Why is masturbation a "sin"??
ANSWER: Cause rubbing one out is the one sole thing that could completely destroy christianity's hold on the entire world and they KNOW it!
Think about it...
First of all, ages ago they realized that sex feels good and if you're having random sex with the occasional stranger, you're feeling content and happy ... money, no money, hard work -- who cares -- cause you're getting laid. Nobody goes to chuch, nobody pays tithes and the church dies. After all, churches are designed to run off the sad, pathetic, and disheartened. You'll notice, very few churches have hot looking members. Good looking people have more sex - they don't feel like they have to find some stupid meaning to life - they're already feeling damn good. Well, the church can't have that so they make it a sin to have sex outside of marriage. Knowing full well that eventually two people will most often get sick of fucking each other, they won't feel content or happy ... money and work won't be enough to console them and voila - people are going to church, everybody's tithing and the church continues to flourish.
Plan works. Church gets even greedier and realizes that the money they pay to their priests is getting spent by the priest's wives. No problem, new rules ... priests can't get married - now all the monies are coming back into the church. Problem solved.
Oops, not quite yet. You see rubbing one out on your own is satisfying. It relieves stress. It makes big problems seems a little more manageable -- just like sex with strangers use to do. You feel content and at ease, thus, no reason once again to visit the church, pay tithes and listen to blue-balled pedophiles talk about your ungodliness. Something has to be done. Voila, masturbation is a sin and god REALLY hates it!
You see, the reason you can't touch your junk is because it hurts the church's bottom line. Touching your junk leads to a sense of contentment and ease. The church needs you to feel like shit. You don't wack - church stays in the black!
That's my theory and I'm stickin too it.
Just one thing, they wack off as much as you do, they just lie and are more ashame about it.