I have come to realize, much to the chagrin of my lovely wife, family, and friends, that I can finally attach the label of "atheist" to myself.
I have, for a great many years, simply considered myself a free-thinker, immune to silly ideas of magical powers, and an invisible space sheriff. I do not begrudge believers, nor do I wish to lead them astray from their adopted, or perhaps more correctly, imprinted beliefs. I respect and appreciate the historical significance of theism, and say "the pledge" every week day...including the "one nation under [G]od." part. As you may have already inferred...I am a teacher. More specifically; a science teacher. In Texas. The "Bible Belt".
Therein lies my conflict. I teach science. I live in the world of objective reasoning, surrounded by yet another world of subjective 'truth'. I get answers to questions such as, "What is the source of all the energy that sustains life on our planet?"...and I always get at least one student who answers, "GOD"...instead of the rational answer of, "the sun". I find myself hiding any semblance of my realistic beliefs to avoid being branded as "evil", and subsequently losing my job...masked in a puree of administrative audits, and technical, improvised missteps.
I can see my initial post is bordering on a rant, so I will leave it as it stands. I'm looking forward to discussing objective truths with others, here. I have avoided labeling myself as an "atheist" for many years, as I see it as a bit rediculous to brand myself with a term regarding that which I do not believe...much like classifying myself as a "non-scrapbooker"...or a "non-minivan driver".
But...I am HELLO!
I have come to realize, much to the chagrin of my lovely wife, family, and friends, that I can finally attach the label of "atheist" to myself.
I have, for a great many years, simply considered myself a free-thinker, immune to silly ideas of magical powers, and an invisible space sheriff. I do not begrudge believers, nor do I wish to lead them astray from their adopted, or perhaps more correctly, imprinted beliefs. I respect and appreciate the historical significance of theism, and say "the pledge" every week day...including the "one nation under [G]od." part. As you may have already inferred...I am a teacher. More specifically; a science teacher. In Texas. The "Bible Belt".
Therein lies my conflict. I teach science. I live in the world of objective reasoning, surrounded by yet another world of subjective 'truth'. I get answers to questions such as, "What is the source of all the energy that sustains life on our planet?"...and I always get at least one student who answers, "GOD"...instead of the rational answer of, "the sun". I find myself hiding any semblance of my realistic beliefs to avoid being branded as "evil", and subsequently losing my job...masked in a puree of administrative audits, and technical, improvised missteps.
I can see my initial post is bordering on a rant, so I will leave it as it stands. I'm looking forward to discussing objective truths with others, here. I have avoided labeling myself as an "atheist" for many years, as I see it as a bit rediculous to brand myself with a term regarding that which I do not believe...much like classifying myself as a "non-scrapbooker"...or a "non-minivan driver".
But...I am HELLO!
Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata; hiding with the candy, hoping the children do not break through with a stick.