You inspired me to post this right on the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre facebook page:
My Psychiatrist is a Saint who doesn't use my mental health or the mental health of others to do away with religion and attack it, not so much can be said about most Psychiatrists unfortunately who will use it to dismiss the God experience of most humans and put that on some sort of spectrum were we are an extreme version of it. People with my illness, if people are telling you what you can or cannot believe about your experiences, tell them go to hell and find another avenue of help. You have magical gifts and what you saw with the 3rd eye, believe in it, and rely on guidance of God to move forward. No amount of money will bring the truth of this, rather, it's time to open up other perspectives.
My Psychiatrist is a Saint who doesn't use my mental health or the mental health of others to do away with religion and attack it, not so much can be said about most Psychiatrists unfortunately who will use it to dismiss the God experience of most humans and put that on some sort of spectrum were we are an extreme version of it. People with my illness, if people are telling you what you can or cannot believe about your experiences, tell them go to hell and find another avenue of help. You have magical gifts and what you saw with the 3rd eye, believe in it, and rely on guidance of God to move forward. No amount of money will bring the truth of this, rather, it's time to open up other perspectives.