Stalin didn’t threaten to attack japan. The US induced Stalin to promise to attack japan, and offered Soviet Union substantial lend lease aid to enhance Soviet near shore amphibious attack capability to enable USSR to do so, as a way to cut down American casualties during what is considered the invasion of Japanese home islands that is necessary to end the war.
Until August 1945, japan wasn’t quite as isolated or as finished as you think. The Sea of Japan remains largely impenetrable to American air and sea power. Japan retain free access to the labor and resources of her colonies in Korea and Manchuria. Unlike Germany her industrial base was well dispersed, and she was still churning out respectable war production.
Until August 1945, japan wasn’t quite as isolated or as finished as you think. The Sea of Japan remains largely impenetrable to American air and sea power. Japan retain free access to the labor and resources of her colonies in Korea and Manchuria. Unlike Germany her industrial base was well dispersed, and she was still churning out respectable war production.