(July 2, 2018 at 2:20 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: So, is your position that we should allow millions and millions of illegal aliens to invade the US without any repercussions whatsoever?
Careful, your white privilege is showing. I think you forgot how your ancestors came into this country and unless you are 100% pure NAI, you have no room to talk about those who come here looking for something better than the "shitholes" (your word) they left.
Quote:How many unaccompanied children (UACs) and families were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border?emphasis mine.
Since President Trump took office, apprehensions at the Southwest border have been lower than in previous years. Between October 2017 and January 2018, the most recent period for which data are available, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 14,444 unaccompanied children (UACs) and 25,628 family units (defined as a parent, typically a mother, traveling with children) along the Southwest border. For comparison, this represented approximately 35 percent of unaccompanied children (41,435) and 34 percent of family units (75,622) apprehended in all of FY 2017, the previous fiscal year. In FY 2018, these children and families were primarily from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, or Mexico.
Millions and millions eh? You focus so much on illegal aliens and fail miserably to post sources for your hate, that you miss the good stuff; the number of immigrants that have become US citizens or naturalized citizens. People who work and contribute to our nation's economy. Here's some stats for you on those people.
From the same link as above:
Quote:How many immigrants are naturalized citizens?
In 2016, 21.2 million immigrants were naturalized U.S. citizens, accounting for 49 percent of the total foreign-born population (43.7 million) and almost 7 percent of the U.S. population (323.1 million), according to ACS estimates.
How many immigrants become U.S. citizens?
USCIS naturalized 753,060 LPRs in 2016. The total number of immigrants receiving U.S. citizenship increased by 3 percent between 2015 and 2016 after a rapid increase of 12 percent between 2014 and 2015.
Post a credible source on your "millions and millions" of illegal aliens invading the US with NO repercussions or STFU.
(July 2, 2018 at 2:20 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: And once they are here you will eagerly build housing and schools for them and take care of their medical needs.
Credible source for your claim? Oh that's right. You didn't bother to post any links to any credible sources while you spouted off your little temper tantrum.
You don't know what you're talking about:
https://www.migrationpolicy.org/research...population :
Quote:Compared to DACA-ineligible unauthorized immigrants, many of whom hold jobs that require manual labor, DACA-eligible workers are most commonly found in white-collar occupations. One-fourth of DACA-eligible workers are also enrolled in higher education—a finding that suggests many need to work to afford college, but also that better jobs may be on the horizon as they complete their degrees. For both educational attainment and occupational distribution, gender makes a difference. Although fewer women than men are eligible for DACA, they are more likely to hold a bachelor’s degree and a higher-skilled job.bold mine.
They are capable of supporting themselves and making sure their own healthcare needs are being met.
(July 2, 2018 at 2:20 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: In the meantime they will be free to take over the country and turn it into a replica of the shitholes they left.
You mean shitholes like China and India?
Quote:Of the 1.2 million recent immigrants counted in 2013, China was the leading country of origin, with 147,000, followed by India with 129,000, and Mexico with 125,000. The margins among the three countries have narrowed in recent years. In 2012, Mexico was the source of 125,000 recent immigrants, China 124,000, and India 113,000. The Census Bureau defines recent immigrants as foreign-born individuals who resided abroad one year ago, including lawful permanent residents, temporary nonimmigrants, and unauthorized immigrants.bold mine.
In 2014, 1.3 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States, an 11 percent increase from 1.2 million in 2013. India was the leading country of origin for new immigrants, with 147,500 arriving in 2014, followed by China with 131,800, Mexico with 130,000, Canada with 41,200, and the Philippines with 40,500.
Note: The Census Bureau defines recent immigrants here as foreign-born individuals who resided abroad one year prior, including lawful permanent residents, temporary nonimmigrants, and unauthorized immigrants.
(July 2, 2018 at 2:20 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: Well that's really pissing on all our own homeless and downtrodden citizens who are in desperate need of help.
Your opinion isn't worth a fuck and you're acting as a foreign agent (or domestic enemy) who is out to destroy America.
Okay. Let's talk about our own citizens who are in need of help. Trump has ensured that he doesn't give a shit about this country's citizens. He wants to cut funding for CHIP and has already rolled back Michelle Obama's initiatives for a healthy School Lunch Program. He wants to eliminate many of the programs that are designed to help the working poor, such as the SNAP program.
Oh and public housing? Here's what Trump wants to do about that:
Quote:The fiscal year 2019 budget proposal released by the White House wipes out the public housing capital fund. This $1.9 billion program provides funds for modernizing and rehabilitating public housing across the country. The Trump administration’s last budget proposal called for cutting this program by 66 percent, but this budget simply zeroes it out.
So fuck right off you piece of shit. Why don't you just come right out and admit that you have a problem with anyone that isn't your kind of white. Your problem isn't with immigrants coming into this country. Your hatred is for anyone that's a darker shade than you who happens to come from anywhere south of our US border. You'd readily welcome a bunch of people from say, Canada, right? Because they are just as white or whiter than you, so that makes them okay to be here.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.