(June 25, 2016 at 2:59 pm)Darwins Disciple Wrote: My name is Darwin's Disciple. I’m 52 years old. My street cred as follows: I have 2 college degrees from Univ. of Colorado, (Boulder), a place equally as wacko as UC Berkeley. That means I was exposed to a decent liberal arts education, rather than some Christian Conservative education (worthless). I don't have rich parents like some of you, thus I needed to pay for my education myself. One of the ways I did this was by prostituting myself by joining the Army while in college. I was drafted called to active duty during 1st Persian Gulf War. While on active duty, i was recruited as a Military Adviser in SE Asia for 8 years in 1990's. I was trained in Thai language. My first assignment was civil war in Cambodia (Kampuchea) in early 1990s. I've traveled the world and observed many religions in their home settings, rather than most people who never left the town they born in. I’ve been married for 8 years and have 1 children. My wife is from Thailand and a Theravada Buddhist, which I adore for several reasons. Theravada Buddhist is more philosophy, rather than religion. It is peaceful. It is a 'slap in the face' to Christianity (because its non-Christian). I sometimes enjoy going to my wife's Wat and meditate. I am not preying, rather stilling my mind.
I self de-programmed from Christianity at the age of 19, when I read the Bible from cover to cover. It became apparent, very quickly, that Christianity is a lie, opiate of the masses, cult and thought virus used Organized Religion to exploit common people. The religious indoctrination that worked in the past, failed to take on me, and i was able to escape the Matrix. The fact that i am more educated in Biblical history than most Christians, allows me to enter back into the Matrix when it suits me. (Job interviews, co-workers, business deals, entertainment to laugh criticism, mockery, and disdain for Christians). Your beliefs are NOT sacred to me. I enter religious sites, claim to be a member of your religion to gain access and engage in your private inter working group discussions, or free lunch. I selectively pick the aspects of religion that I want, such as speaking in tongues, trance, or maybe i will let the holy spirit take over me as a feed on myself in order to make a spectacle and enjoy being the center of attention for my personnel narcissistic enjoyment and ridiculousness. I discard religious baggage i don't like, such as tithing, donating money or believing in any of your deities. I support LGBT community because it is a personal affront to Christians. "The enemy of my enemy, is my friend."
I HATE your religion for its hypocrisy. I’m intolerant of religious dogma forced on the masses. Don’t preach to me or anyone who doesn’t ask for it. If you preach any religious doctrine without following its teachings to the letter yourself, I consider you a hypocrite. I despise lack of personal responsibility in the name of mythological entities.
If you are a believer in deities, I careless to convince or help free your mind from control of your religious bullshit. You are on your own to deal with your own cognitive dissonance. (As you look at a dinosaur bone and try to hold a belief that the earth was created 6,500 years ago). I laugh at you when you fall back on your faith, living your life in fear of reality.
I LOVE Atheist Experience &American Heathen Podcasts, Dark Matter YouTube Atheist humor, Bart Ehram religious history books, and Bill Maher.
If this forum is full of a bunch of PC atheist pansies, I am out of here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah .. but did you/ do you support Trump? Just how deep does your predilection for anti-social behavior go?
(July 28, 2018 at 11:53 pm)Darwins Disciple Wrote: Im Back.
I'm here too and I don't hate all Christians. Deal with it.