(August 1, 2018 at 4:49 pm)Cecelia Wrote: On the surface, Christianity and Capitalism should be incompatible. After all, Jesus preaches charity above all else and taking care of your fellow man. Most Christians, of course, don't follow this in the least. They state "Be Charitable if you WANT TO!" As if somehow it's being christ-like to just hate the gays, and not actually help people. (Because you know, the latter is just too hard)
But if you really think about it, the two are compatible in another way. Getting into heaven is essentially the same as being born into a rich family. Either you're born into a family the worships Jesus, or you go to hell for being born into the wrong religion and then not figuring it out yourself. Born to a Christian family in America? Congrats! You have a good shot at getting into heaven. Born into a Muslim family in the middle east? Too bad! Should've thought about that before being born in the middle east. Born into a Jewish family during the Holocaust! Do I have bad news for you or what?
Of course the absurdity of such a concept is obvious on it's own. But I can see the connection. So I can finally see why Christians are Republicans. Because God is a Republican. Punish people for the circumstances of their birth, punish people who don't follow your own twisted sense of morality, and might = right.
This is why I hate focusing on ANY religion.
Capitalism IN REALITY, has nothing to do with having a religion or not having a religion. It literally means "to capitalize" meaning obtain resources.
It can only be said that the powers can and do use ideology to trick the populations into supporting their power, but their power ALWAYS takes resources to keep.
Russia is a majority Russian Orthodox Christian. Saudi Arabia's Royal Family owns banks and oil companies. Iran's Imams also have global investments.
Religion is nothing more than superstitious politics with the same structures as politics. They all involve power structures, reward for loyalty and promote tribalism.
China is a majority Buddhist nation. But the reason it it is currently authoritarian stems from the brutal Orwellian Terracotta Warrior era, where loyalty was to, at the time the local ruler. China never learned the balance between an authoritarian family, and an authoritarian party.
Gadaffi was a Muslim, AND a billionaire. Castro at his death had an estimated wealth of $800 million.
The only "connection" to Christianity that wealth has is abuse of power. It would be better to argue the alleged head figure "God" and his abuse of power and monopoly on life. But wealth itself is not the issue.