My point in bringing up transubstantiation was because my ex alma mata, the Church of England, as an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church also ostensibly accepted the same dogma - ritual cannibalism. Please do not disregard the word ritual, as this is the vital ingredient (pun intended) of the Eucharist.
We were told that the wafer was the Body of Christ and the Wine was the Blood of Christ, and extolled to eat and drink Christ. I never liked it when I was thirteen, and liked it even less when I started drifting away from the church, and into non-belief.
I might as well add that I find the passage from Matthew 26 unconvincing anyway because the event is unconvincing. I suspect that simple Jews would have been horrified at being told to eat and drink human body and blood, even as a ritual. Jews found and still find cannibalism abhorrent.
We were told that the wafer was the Body of Christ and the Wine was the Blood of Christ, and extolled to eat and drink Christ. I never liked it when I was thirteen, and liked it even less when I started drifting away from the church, and into non-belief.
I might as well add that I find the passage from Matthew 26 unconvincing anyway because the event is unconvincing. I suspect that simple Jews would have been horrified at being told to eat and drink human body and blood, even as a ritual. Jews found and still find cannibalism abhorrent.