(September 10, 2018 at 6:08 pm)Khemikal Wrote: I can't be anymore direct than I already have been. Scientific racism has been used to destroy childhood investment programs here in the states. To destroy healthcare here in the states. To incarcerate people here in the states.I'd think you'd want to isolate them, instead of throwing more people under their umbrella by force.
We had programs that were working. Obviously, those programs didn't actually prevent white supremacy from making a home out of the white house..precisely the opposite. They became the grist that the normalizing mill used to rationalize and support not only their existing prejudice, but to strengthen it's grip and effect on our institutions. They did this by rebranding white supremacy as a victimhood movement.
Quote:Now, as to your suggestions..as if we haven't discussed this before. A plan to dump prisoners will cause a full on white separatist revolt (you think those motherfuckers are "economically anxious" now...lol?), and since the prison industry is an immensely profitable body farm, a real modern day plantation.. it's never going to happen. Racism is a direct causal factor in this and emptying prisons will not solve that. They would, in the best of circumstances, simply overfill them again.Yeah, why risk having racists prevent real change, when you can just guarantee nothing improves by not trying? Seems legit.
Quote:The reason that childhood investment programs makes sense has nothing to do with the scientific racism you've bullshitted me or yourself about..but because of the huge, known, environmental component in IQ testing and differences in acheivement. Issues of biological inheritance can only be improved by selective breeding. You are discussing a social issue with a social cause and a social solution, as though it were a heritable trait....all in the context of a biological invalid concept of race.
I've ever said that environment doesn't matter in children-- in young children, it's the main driving factor. It's in adulthood that it turns out that heritability is very high: advantages of tests taken in childhood largely fade in adulthood. But I've already said that doesn't matter-- even 20% is enough variance to make a difference in IQ. And not every advantage of learning is measured in IQ. Kids in programs might be learning how to use computers, and so on. And there's also the fact that being poor sucks, and that citizens should want other citizens' lives not to suck.
Quote:As yet another one of the links I gave you made clear.....the entire line you've swallowed and are now repeating about "simple statistical facts" and leftists somehow refusing to engage with them adds nothing and is either disingenuous or almost impossibly naive. There are many suggestions as to how we might remedy any of these issues, and again we did once have working programs...but even here your criticism fails to hit home, because combatting racial myths and white supremacist propaganda has to be a part of every single one of them. You're not going to get rid of disproportionate representation in prison populations or sentencing disparities, for example, unless you tackle the underlying racism of the people imposing them, unless you expose the inadequacies of whatever rationalizations a group of professional and well paid racist propagandists are feeding them. I'm sure we can agree there?The thing is that at least in this thread, you've very much treated them (swaying opinion and engaging in policy) as mutually exclusive. You've also, in my estimation, favored gratification of righteousness over finding common ground.
I cannot favor any ideological position which uses demonization and division as its modus operandi-- quite simply, I just don't think it will work. While I don't endorse white supremacy or bigotry, I've found that plenty of gains can be made even with them, if you can speak their language. Tell them America needs to ramp up production in order to fend off China, that we need all hands on deck to protect America's freedom. Tell them you're sick of seeing black kids selling drugs on the corner, and you'd rather have them in a school program, where someone can keep an eye on them. Tell them that putting black men in prison is creating a vacuum, and it's sucking in more immigrants than the border patrol can handle.
If you really want to make a point of it, tell them that "I knew a black guy once, and he saved my ass in Korea. Fucking truer American I never met, and if you say otherwise, we're going to have words, Bubba."
Quote:There is no room in that for making you feel more comfortable with the subject. If you find yourself saying the things that white supremacists say, and you might want to take a look at that victimhood narrative up above..again, that you feel uncomfortable and threatend by pc or sj is not a bug...it's a feature. Our level of comfort with racism and the neverending demand that we center anxious white males is a part of the problem, not a solution.. . . and we're back to the yarn.
Have a point. Use facts. Develop policies. Take action.
Like. . . do anything but spend dozens of hours typing to a Canadian in an online forum about how unbearably racist he is, and how insecure in his whiteness.