Leave it to alpha to mindlessly regurgitate a conservative talking point. Conservatives are nothing but sheep, mindlessly following Trump.
A recent experiment found Republicans are more likely to adopt liberal policies when Trump supports liberal policies
A recent experiment found Republicans are more likely to adopt liberal policies when Trump supports liberal policies
Quote:President Donald Trump is a Republican. But often, and more so than any president in memory, he lacks a consistent political ideology.
During the campaign, Trump took five different positions on abortion in three days. On other issues, his policy preferences have been clear as mud: “I don’t want to have guns in classrooms, although in some cases, teachers should have guns in classrooms, frankly,” he told Fox News in 2016.
And where he is more consistent — like in his deference to Russian President Vladimir Putin, most stunningly in the recent joint press conference in Helsinki — he is often at odds with many prominent figures in his own party.
All this makes this period of history extremely interesting for political scientists and psychologists to study.
The answer: “On average, across all of the questions that we asked, when presented with a liberal policy, Republicans became about 15 percentage points more likely to support that liberal policy” when they were told Trump supported it, Pope says. They follow their leader. “The conclusion we should draw is that the public, the average Republican sitting out there in America, is not going to stop Trump from doing whatever he wants.” The effect even held true on questions about immigration. If Trump supported a lax immigration policy, his supporters said they did too.