RE: Saudi journalist killed and hacked inside Saudi embassy in Istanbul
October 19, 2018 at 12:17 pm
(This post was last modified: October 19, 2018 at 1:17 pm by Brian37.)
The worst part of global politics when people discuss it, is far to many on the left and right want to make it an either or situation. Some get hair triggers and want to pull apple pie, Rambo crap, and others want to isolate completely and let the world do whatever it wants. In reality neither of those are good options. If you always start wars you can end up creating more enemies you might not have had before. But if you don't get involved you end up with what happened after WW1 when we left Germany to rot. That revenge allowed the monster Hitler to sell his politics of grievances and victimhood and blind nationalism.
What was offensive to me about Trump's response to this reporter was monetizing his life as if he were simply another transaction.
I have had on other websites had it pointed out to me by some liberals that both parties have supported Saudi Arabia. Yea and we have also dealt with a bigger closed oppressive state China and North Korea.
Atlass, and even to my friend in Pakistan, I love both of you in your ability to see beyond what your states sell you. If I could snap my fingers and suddenly make your respective countries free, I would. A world war would not benefit anyone, and it also at the same time scares me, that if we were to attack Saudi Arabia, we could end up killing Atlass in the process.
I wish I had the perfect answer, but I do not. I do know however what can help, is if more humans worldwide learn to separate the politics of the powers above them, and the separate issue of the individuals who live under those powers.
I have talked people over my 17 years of being online, from people all over the world, good people, who are by proxy simply stuck under the power they were raised in. Atlass, I will never equate you personally to the bullies that rule over you. Just as I will not equate all Israelis as agreeing with Bibi. And I certainly hate the bully that is currently running my country now.
I have also talked to those who lived in Iran, whom hate their government, and also been in the position of telling them I was sorry as an American for my government supporting Saddam as to which as a result of that war, they lost their brother, or father.
One of my most personal moments regarding history and conflicts, not being alive at the time, but that being my x wife's grandparents are Japanese and finally meeting them in person back in 2000, knowing they were America's enemy at the time, spoke both to our species ability to be cruel and at the same time our ability to be compassionate. Her grandparents were decent humans, whom gave birth to her parents, who gave birth to her. Now while our marriage did not work out, I know her family are good people, I wouldn't have married her otherwise.
I do give Muslims and Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus a hard time as far as the claims of antiquity. But while I cant be there in person Atlass, just knowing you exist and you see beyond human tribalism, it gives me hope. Don't ever give up Atlass. Always know that outside your boarders there are people that care. And also know despite our fear mongers here , we are doing our best to stop the bully in the White House.
Our species is far more alike than we'd like to face sometimes.
What was offensive to me about Trump's response to this reporter was monetizing his life as if he were simply another transaction.
I have had on other websites had it pointed out to me by some liberals that both parties have supported Saudi Arabia. Yea and we have also dealt with a bigger closed oppressive state China and North Korea.
Atlass, and even to my friend in Pakistan, I love both of you in your ability to see beyond what your states sell you. If I could snap my fingers and suddenly make your respective countries free, I would. A world war would not benefit anyone, and it also at the same time scares me, that if we were to attack Saudi Arabia, we could end up killing Atlass in the process.
I wish I had the perfect answer, but I do not. I do know however what can help, is if more humans worldwide learn to separate the politics of the powers above them, and the separate issue of the individuals who live under those powers.
I have talked people over my 17 years of being online, from people all over the world, good people, who are by proxy simply stuck under the power they were raised in. Atlass, I will never equate you personally to the bullies that rule over you. Just as I will not equate all Israelis as agreeing with Bibi. And I certainly hate the bully that is currently running my country now.
I have also talked to those who lived in Iran, whom hate their government, and also been in the position of telling them I was sorry as an American for my government supporting Saddam as to which as a result of that war, they lost their brother, or father.
One of my most personal moments regarding history and conflicts, not being alive at the time, but that being my x wife's grandparents are Japanese and finally meeting them in person back in 2000, knowing they were America's enemy at the time, spoke both to our species ability to be cruel and at the same time our ability to be compassionate. Her grandparents were decent humans, whom gave birth to her parents, who gave birth to her. Now while our marriage did not work out, I know her family are good people, I wouldn't have married her otherwise.
I do give Muslims and Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus a hard time as far as the claims of antiquity. But while I cant be there in person Atlass, just knowing you exist and you see beyond human tribalism, it gives me hope. Don't ever give up Atlass. Always know that outside your boarders there are people that care. And also know despite our fear mongers here , we are doing our best to stop the bully in the White House.
Our species is far more alike than we'd like to face sometimes.