RE: What are you all playing right now?
October 23, 2018 at 4:32 pm
(This post was last modified: October 23, 2018 at 4:33 pm by emjay.)
Hey Kit, one last thing. I've found out now and tried it that you can play 'Playground: Squads' mode of Fortnite Battle Royale with the option 'Don't Fill'... which means that contrary to the default of 'Fill', the matchmaking service that sets up a game won't try and fill up your squad to its maximum of four players with random people. This means that you can actually play alone or just with a few friends (up to three) rather than having random trolls thrown into the mix.
So this mode is great for solo practicing learning the controls and the less combat-focused skills of the game, such as building and editing... and now after learning about the "Don't Fill' option, being able to do that without harassment from other random players... but when solo the one thing you can't practice that much in this mode is aiming... because PS4 uses 'aim assist' (it can be turned off but is not advised for console players) which means basically that the aiming crosshairs slow down when they move over a person in the game and speed up again for anything else. So IOW if you're playing solo playground mode you won't get to practice aiming with aim assist because there are no other players in the game, but if you play with a training partner/s, you can.
So this mode lasts one hour and the storm closes in to the centre of the map starting at 55 minutes, to end the game. So you have those first fifty-five minutes to do whatever you want with your 'squad mates', including changing teams at will. You respawn automatically on death in this game (except when dying to the storm... which is permanent and is used to end the game and see who truly is last man standing... though it means less in this mode).
I know you said you didn't want to play Fortnite PvP but what about Playground mode as I've described? That would allow our squad - ie you and me and maybe Hammy or Alpha - to go head to head, or work together, chopping and changing teams as much as we want over the hour long course of the game... all the time able to talk to each other over the headsets/mics. We could make up any games/objectives in that time.. such as free for alls stalking each other over the map, or fort battles where we maybe take it in turns to build and defend a fort against the other... the possibilities are endless for games to design. So what do you think? You don't need a PS+ account for this so this would be a way for us to play together, and talk - if you want, without the pressure of the normal hundred player PvP modes of Battle Royale.
So this mode is great for solo practicing learning the controls and the less combat-focused skills of the game, such as building and editing... and now after learning about the "Don't Fill' option, being able to do that without harassment from other random players... but when solo the one thing you can't practice that much in this mode is aiming... because PS4 uses 'aim assist' (it can be turned off but is not advised for console players) which means basically that the aiming crosshairs slow down when they move over a person in the game and speed up again for anything else. So IOW if you're playing solo playground mode you won't get to practice aiming with aim assist because there are no other players in the game, but if you play with a training partner/s, you can.
So this mode lasts one hour and the storm closes in to the centre of the map starting at 55 minutes, to end the game. So you have those first fifty-five minutes to do whatever you want with your 'squad mates', including changing teams at will. You respawn automatically on death in this game (except when dying to the storm... which is permanent and is used to end the game and see who truly is last man standing... though it means less in this mode).
I know you said you didn't want to play Fortnite PvP but what about Playground mode as I've described? That would allow our squad - ie you and me and maybe Hammy or Alpha - to go head to head, or work together, chopping and changing teams as much as we want over the hour long course of the game... all the time able to talk to each other over the headsets/mics. We could make up any games/objectives in that time.. such as free for alls stalking each other over the map, or fort battles where we maybe take it in turns to build and defend a fort against the other... the possibilities are endless for games to design. So what do you think? You don't need a PS+ account for this so this would be a way for us to play together, and talk - if you want, without the pressure of the normal hundred player PvP modes of Battle Royale.