Quote:I was saying that the scientific community has little to do with history.
Dagda, Since the definition of "Science" is to gain, "Knowledge", then a Scientific Community would have everything to do with your opinionated breakdown. Historians, Archeologist etc. are who you and everyone else have to thank for showing us that there has been no evidence (Other than a book) that there was actually a "Jesus" character....
HOWEVER!!! Just as someone else stated earlier, I have no doubt there may have been a "Jesus" but by far not the one betrayed so "Mythological" as the "Christian Bible" has.
The Christians couldn't even get the word "Grave" correct and instead replaced with "Hell" in the Old Testament. So what else do you think they may have...."Slipped Up" on??? I can name about 80 different contradictions (even though there are more) from the Bible.
Sir, what you have done is no different than what every other Christian has done for centuries......"Cherry Pick"....
That book is the last one in the world I would ever put any type faith in........
Intelligence is the only true moral guide...