My purpose is to be me.
My car's purpose is to be a car. The wheel's purpose are to be wheels.
Now then, I can use most anything as a hammer, but an actual hammer does that job much better than a pair of pliers.
One might say that a hammer's purpose is to hammer nails. I would say a hammer's purpose is to be used in any way I deem necessary.
In that way, I'm like a hammer. I can have any number of purposes at any given point in time.
As a baby, my purpose is to survive. As a child, my purpose is to learn and have fun.
As a teenager, my purpose is to not do enough stupid shit that either get's me killed or kicked out of the house.
I'm 53 now. My purpose in life is to not give a fuck about most things and spoil my grandchildren.
My car's purpose is to be a car. The wheel's purpose are to be wheels.
Now then, I can use most anything as a hammer, but an actual hammer does that job much better than a pair of pliers.
One might say that a hammer's purpose is to hammer nails. I would say a hammer's purpose is to be used in any way I deem necessary.
In that way, I'm like a hammer. I can have any number of purposes at any given point in time.
As a baby, my purpose is to survive. As a child, my purpose is to learn and have fun.
As a teenager, my purpose is to not do enough stupid shit that either get's me killed or kicked out of the house.
I'm 53 now. My purpose in life is to not give a fuck about most things and spoil my grandchildren.
Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result