(December 30, 2018 at 9:26 pm)paulpablo Wrote: It's tough because I don't play video games any more, and if I was to go back and play on any game I'd probably get bored quick or feel like it was a waste of time.
But going off how long I played the game for and how much I enjoyed it at the time here's a list.
1. Call of duty world at war.
This is the game I dreamed would exist when I was in school, I played it in my mid 20s and got very good at it but then the game got hacked and cheaters ruined the online game.
I wasn't playing world at war, it was some other call of duty, but that game ended my PlayStation days. I smashed my tv with the control pad in frustration and decided it was time to pack call of duty in.
2. Command and conquer. Specifically yuris revenge.
I've probably dedicated more hours to this game than any other, id say that's definite if you count every game in the series. It's just a game I can happily sit back and play, listen to music or or a podcast or whatever.
3. GTA 1 for the PS1.
I played this game for such long periods of time I vaguely remember having to take breaks because of something to do with my eyes.
4. Metal gear solid.
The atmosphere of the game does it for me. The story, characters, the music, the sounds.
5. Sonic the hedgehog.
I don't remember much about specific games but I just had to pick one from my early gaming years. This series got me obsessed around the master system and mega drive era.
Baldurs gate deserves a mention, that whole series. And columns aswell, which is better than Tetris in my opinion.
Red Alert ate at least a month of my life...