(December 30, 2018 at 1:06 am)ResoluteBaptist Wrote: I find the church in my life indispensable.
I grew up in the same church..around the same people, the same happy and joyful families.
The same families are there..and the boys and girls I grew up with now have a few little boys and girls of their own.
Every sunday we congregate for fellowship, and faith. We have an identity. We are Christians.
We'll listen to Pastor Phillip get up on the altar and preach the word of God.
After service we will all go out and socialize. The men (that includes me and the fellas) will go to one corner and talk about sports, guns, whiskey, cigars politics (we all love the Trumpeter!). Obviously none of it fit talk for ladies.
The ladies..are a real show. Dressed in their sunday best, they go to another corner and talk about..oh I don't know.... fashion, flowers, their children, their men...you know..typical girl talk
Then the boys and girls will be outside..the boys playing tag and touch football, and the girls skip a rope and ( he loves me.. he loves me not). Why just last Sunday I saw little Billy Turner get down one knee to Elizabeth Wilksley. He had a bouquet of dandelions, daffodils and wild honeysuckle as a gift to her. Two little charmers who don't know what trouble can come of love .
See the thing is..there is a lot of life, love and growth in a faith community. How do you atheists have it?
Now I don't wanna tar all ungodly folk with the same brush but I've done a bit of online research and seen all the manner of trouble non believers can get into.
The male atheists Ive heard tend to drink up a storm and get in fights, acting like drunkards and fools. The young atheist women...well lets just say they aren't the kind of girl any man would want to take home to meet his mother.
I think the reason for atheist sadness/bummy behavior is that they can't cope with life without God. If life is sad..or life gets you down and you don't have God...seems the only solution for folks is to drink, smoke, despair or masturbate to pornography the whole live long day.
Please enlighten me.
Thanks y'all.
Your belief is a crutch. Your desire is what makes you think you need a god and a religion. There are lots of dead religions you don't buy, and even current religions you dont buy.
Our species is far older than any written religion or nation.
I am sorry someone sold you the myth that because we don't buy a god claim or follow a religion, that are saying are lives are empty. We have our ups and downs and some atheists do better than others sure, but we are not basing any good or bad that happen in life on old mythology.
Our lives have meaning between the time we are born, to the time we die, and we, as individuals make our own meaning. We are NOT fatalistic or pessimistic for saying the ride ends. I still enjoy life, I still feel love, and still value common law and non violence.
You go to a movie knowing it ends, but you still go. You read a good book knowing it has a last page, but you still read it. You go to a music concert knowing it plays a last song, but you still go. You go to a sporting event knowing one team will win and one team will lose, but you still go. You get a pet cat or pet dog, you enjoy them while they are alive, they die, you mourn for a while, but you get another one.
Life does not have to be infinite to appreciate now. And morality is not an invention of any religion, it is in our evolution. I think there are good people all over the world, of every religion, I simply do not agree that our species ability to do good and be good is a magical thing handed down from above.