The stupidest fucking thing about this is:
"Would YOU" is a stupid way to put anything regarding the situation of abortion. "Would YOU abort baby hitler?" "Would YOU abort baby einstein?"
First, for the men--you'll never fucking get in this situation no matter what you do. You don't get pregnant. So you'll never have to make the decision to abort baby einstein or baby hitler or baby donald trump or baby guy down the street who looks at you creepy. Stop pretending you'll ever be in that situation. Because you won't.
Second, what YOU would do is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. Man or woman. YOUR choice is YOUR choice and YOUR choice alone. See the word YOUR there? Yeah, I capitalized it three fucking times to make my fucking point. Only YOU can make the decision for YOURSELF. You don't get to fucking make the decision for other people.
Third, no woman gets an abortion and thinks "What if they're HItler?" Nobody. Not one. Women get abortions for a plethora of reasons, but that ain't one of them. It's not about the fucking potential. Not one bit. So stop trying to make it about that.
Finally, if Baby Hitler were Baby Jose instead... you can bet these FUCKERS would be glad to cage him if he were born to an undocumented immigrant. So it's kind of fucking insulting for anyone to say "I wouldnt' kill baby hitler!" when they're perfectly okay with caging and starving actual children who have actual potential instead of some hypoethetical dictator.
"Would YOU" is a stupid way to put anything regarding the situation of abortion. "Would YOU abort baby hitler?" "Would YOU abort baby einstein?"
First, for the men--you'll never fucking get in this situation no matter what you do. You don't get pregnant. So you'll never have to make the decision to abort baby einstein or baby hitler or baby donald trump or baby guy down the street who looks at you creepy. Stop pretending you'll ever be in that situation. Because you won't.
Second, what YOU would do is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. Man or woman. YOUR choice is YOUR choice and YOUR choice alone. See the word YOUR there? Yeah, I capitalized it three fucking times to make my fucking point. Only YOU can make the decision for YOURSELF. You don't get to fucking make the decision for other people.
Third, no woman gets an abortion and thinks "What if they're HItler?" Nobody. Not one. Women get abortions for a plethora of reasons, but that ain't one of them. It's not about the fucking potential. Not one bit. So stop trying to make it about that.
Finally, if Baby Hitler were Baby Jose instead... you can bet these FUCKERS would be glad to cage him if he were born to an undocumented immigrant. So it's kind of fucking insulting for anyone to say "I wouldnt' kill baby hitler!" when they're perfectly okay with caging and starving actual children who have actual potential instead of some hypoethetical dictator.
"Tradition" is just a word people use to make themselves feel better about being an asshole.