I am not stating that Jesus followers were fictional that is rediculous.I am stating that the gospels were not written by those people whose names were appended to them.Lets go your route Dagda and assume that Jesus was a real historical figure.With that in mind I ask you where is the secular evidence of his existence?Outside of the church fathers whose opinion in my view does not count or the biblical records the evidence of Christ and his ministry is scant.
Everyone cries out what about Josephus or Tacitus?Well both of them spoke of Jesus and my argument is that for a man of such great influence what they did say about him was very little as if he were an after thought.In fact most scholars have come to the conclusion that Josephus did not in fact write that little comment about Christ and beleive that the document was tampered with and that was a later insertion to the text.This is because within the text those comments are completely out of place.
"The mythical aspect of Christ was based on the constellations seen right before sunrise during his birth and crucifixion celebrated dates. Hence Jesus was solar. YHWH was lunar".
I agree Ledo,there are many pre-christian myths that we could tie Christianity to but this one makes the most sense.The dominant religion in Rome at the time was that of Sol Invictus which was also backed by Constantine himself.So I too believe that christianity is a derivative of sun worship.
Everyone cries out what about Josephus or Tacitus?Well both of them spoke of Jesus and my argument is that for a man of such great influence what they did say about him was very little as if he were an after thought.In fact most scholars have come to the conclusion that Josephus did not in fact write that little comment about Christ and beleive that the document was tampered with and that was a later insertion to the text.This is because within the text those comments are completely out of place.
"The mythical aspect of Christ was based on the constellations seen right before sunrise during his birth and crucifixion celebrated dates. Hence Jesus was solar. YHWH was lunar".
I agree Ledo,there are many pre-christian myths that we could tie Christianity to but this one makes the most sense.The dominant religion in Rome at the time was that of Sol Invictus which was also backed by Constantine himself.So I too believe that christianity is a derivative of sun worship.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition