I would suggest that after you find out from the bank exactly what you have, take that information to a financial advisor. Not someone at the bank. The bank makes its money by using your money till you withdraw it so it's in their best interest to tell you to leave it with them
You should be able to Google financial advisors in your area and look at their reviews. It may cost you a few bucks but it could be well-spent to have the right guidance with making what you have stretch and also discussing any tax ramifications in what you do with what you have.
Also, go on the Social Security site to see what your benefits will be and at what age - it's probably a lot less than you think. Even having decades at a well-paying job doesn't mean you can live decently on SS benefits alone.
You should be able to Google financial advisors in your area and look at their reviews. It may cost you a few bucks but it could be well-spent to have the right guidance with making what you have stretch and also discussing any tax ramifications in what you do with what you have.
Also, go on the Social Security site to see what your benefits will be and at what age - it's probably a lot less than you think. Even having decades at a well-paying job doesn't mean you can live decently on SS benefits alone.