RE: A.S.K. your way to proof.
March 23, 2020 at 11:57 am
(This post was last modified: March 23, 2020 at 12:28 pm by Drich.)
(March 20, 2020 at 2:39 pm)Bucky Ball Wrote:1(March 20, 2020 at 2:28 pm)Drich Wrote: 4
5="I have no response", and everything you told me is true, and someone pretending to know about his cult has been proven once again to actually know next to nothing about it".
As expected, nothing in the links have ANYTHING to do with the subject at hand.
He would immediately flunk out of any class on the subject.
Not only does he NOT KNOW anything about it, he doesn't even know what we are talking about.
So, yeah. No references, and even worse, he provides crap that is not even in the subject matter.
(No wonder his videos are so pathetic).
(March 20, 2020 at 3:26 pm)Paleophyte Wrote:holy shit balls are you foreelz this stupid? If an asshole cop pulls you over and says your turn signal blinked 3 times and stopped. but you were not all the way in the lane/if it blinked 4 times you would have been completely in the lane. you made an illegal lane change.(March 19, 2020 at 11:11 am)Drich Wrote: DIPSHIT THERE WAS NO WARNING! There was an accusation of spamming, then Mathilda ruled this was not spam
If the Admins have to rule on your behaviour that IS a warning. You failed to heed it, repeated, got banned.
Then you go to court and both you and the cop say the blinker went off three times and stopped but the car was not completely in the lane. and the Judge decides your three blinks were enough to legally signal a lane change then by law you have been vindicated. meaning it is ok to use the three automatic blinks BMW programmes into their blinkers. this was not a warning this was not a you got away with it this time do not do it a gain! This was a judgement and ruling that my actions past and future were indeed with in the rules/legal. what kind of nazi run staTE THAT YOU LIVE IN WHERE BEING WRONGLY ACCUSED AND BEING ADJUDICATED INNOCENT IS A WARNING?!?!?!?
A warning of what??? that I did nothing wrong in the past but don't do it again???
again because I do not live in a nazi state I would have never assumed my innocent verdict would have been the same as a final warning.
Quote:because it was content created for the express purpose of original thread at AD.
Quote:Except it wasn't since it was also posted here and who knows where else.Again when a subject runs it's course I take it to another venus. That particular subject was at the request per the question of a member at AD. so the video was made for them. that does not mean i can not use it anywhere else. besides that multiple use has nothing to do with the spam rule. here is the AD spam rule:
2) No spam Posting links to other websites in order to promote people, products, or ideas when not part of related discussions may be regarded as spam. Repeatedly posting the same material may also be regarded as engaging in spamming the forum.
Nowhere in the ruling does it say it has to be always original content. I just can not repeat the same post over and over and i can not post content not related to the subject...
SO HEY JACK ASS WHEN THE VIDEO IS THE SUBJECT THEN IT IS NOT SPAM!!! That was the first and correct ruling!
AD simply got caught playing to the majority fairness and rules be damned. that is the long and short of it. you douche bags like to put down christian sites for being intolerant for unpopular speech they can not defend against... looks like you bag of d's are in the same boat.
Quote:So now the rule I was vendicted from breaking is the same rule used to ban me.
Quote:You need to learn the difference between vindication and threadbare tolerance. Having barely escaped once on a technicality is not you need to go back and read the original ruling if all of my posts were not taken down.
Quote:In fact im doing the same thing here!!! if you are right and this was the definition of spam then why am i still here? hell I'm doing on Reddit and other sites as well
Quote:So not exactly "content created for the express purpose of original thread at AD". More content spewed everywhere that lets you. Spam.again dummy show me where it say i have too even though AD was the first site i generally posted on, just because of the perception of the need for orginal content.
Again I did not want to argue that then or now, as it show me who knows the rules and who makes shit up as they go. YOU douchebag makes shit up as they go and goes with what 'feels' right. you don't care about the rules nor smart enough to abide by them you will never be scrutinised like i have and hold out as long as i do. Show me a need or demand for original content:
2) No spam Posting links to other websites in order to promote people, products, or ideas when not part of related discussions may be regarded as spam. Repeatedly posting the same material may also be regarded as engaging in spamming the forum.
boom bitch.
keyboard drop.
Quote:chase me here means followed me here to argue with me dumb ass... you left there followed me here along with a few others.
Drich: Joined AD Aug. 1st, 2019.
Paleophyte: Joined AF Nov. 16, 2018.
Drich joined AF 3-18-12
So i was here first... then you came 6 years later. you went there. I went a year later. I got kicked there. I came becak here, and you followed me here to bust my balls about following unbroken rules. the point is you did not stay in the theist free zone utopia they created. no you snuck out to come here and do what you can not do there. Speak to an unencumbered holds his own theist. something that site lacks now.
Quote:ive been kicked out of almost everything
I'm unsurprised. Guess what the common element in all your bannings is.
unfree unpopular speech. and honest mod or admin knows this, as i read and apply the rules as they are written. i here to push the limits of thought and experience not to be hurtful or disruptive for the sake of it. that can be a result but that had to do more with personal pride than my intentions.