(April 16, 2020 at 8:56 pm)Prof.Lunaphiles Wrote: This guy writing for the New York Times claims expertise in the title of the article that he writes to try to mitigate his failure to generate an effective plan: I used to run the C.D.C. here’s what it can do to slow this pandemic. The Times backs him up with a description of the similar epidemics during his tenure in the Obama Administration.
Quote:Dr. Frieden is a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the Obama administration, overseeing the federal responses to the H1N1 influenza, Ebola and Zika epidemics.http://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/opinio...virus.html
But I think it is pretty obvious now, to even the smartest of atheists, that a warning system should have been in place, and it is obvious that the ObamaCare policy directives did not have such a system, because the Obamamites would be referring to it.
I am going to claim to be the first person to generate a warning system that is easy to follow and understand, and that the Trump Administration is basically doing it, because what else could the federal government do?
a warning schedule proposal:
0. All clear - no government warnings
1. Emerging communicable disease in the world - issue of international travel screening.
2. Communicable disease on the continent - issue domestic travel screening.
3. Communicable disease in the region - issue personal protective measures.
4. Communicable disease in local area - issue social distancing measures.
5. Communicable disease local pandemic - martial law.
And then basically, the “reopening of the economy,” goes in the rescinding of the warning levels.
So, what did Trump do that was so wrong? Remember, he was being tried for high crimes and misdemeanors, and remember Speaker Pelosi ripping up his State of the Union remarks - what is that supposed to signify to the American people about trusting Trump's administration??
Well, the Obama administration *did* have a team set up to deal with potential pandemics. The Trump administration dismantled it.
Trump should NOT have said, repeatedly, that 'everything is under control'. That was a flat out lie.
Trump should have begun making sure ventilators, masks, and other equipment was sufficient and made available to the states.
Trump should have taken the threat seriously LONG before he did. Closing the border to China was helpful, but neglecting the internal readiness was criminal.
Trump should NOT have been promoting untested treatments. He put many lives in danger by his actions.
Trump should have prepared so that states do not now have to compete against each other for vital supplies. Instead, the federal government should be supplying those necessities. By his failure to act, he has put more lives in danger.
Trump should take responsibility for his failures and seek for ways to rectify them instead of placing blame on anyone and everyone else.
If Trump was too distracted by the impeachment proceedings, which had already run their course by the time the virus showed up, then he isn't fit for the office of the president. Other presidents have continued to do their duties in spite of harsh criticism and even impeachment.
Trump should NOT have been trumpeting his 'ratings' when the country is in crisis. At the very least it shows a lack of perspective.
Trump should have told the truth early and often about the risks and to be honest about what is known and not known. he seems to be completely unable to do this in any endeavor, but it was necessary for safety in this one.
All that Trump has done is show that he is an egotistical, incompetent blowhard who fails to take responsibility for his own failures.