(June 1, 2020 at 8:24 pm)Bucky Ball Wrote:i see trollie is back..Quote:Drich :
misspelled word or not the truth is unabated by your ad hom attempt at a sweeping dismissal.
Goodness. I think we forgot to take our pills today.
You exegesis is shit. You asserted a falsehood. You ignored most of the chapter you (falsely) attempted to explain.
You don't even know how to discuss a text.
The truth is you are an ignoramus, with no education, stomping your ignorant little feet, demanding to be heard, PRETENDING you know something you clearly don't.
You are universally dismissed here, as everywhere. You have nothing to offer. You can't even spell the important words or concepts you bring up.
You couldn't spell "atonement", just as you didn't even know what a "pericope" was. Yeah. You are dismissed. You're a pretender. A bogus pretender.
Quote:got one says i am cancer free after 5 years of being told i have a 98% chance of it i have medical records of a burst appendix, i have medical records that show problems with my immune system that can present as having late stages hiv or cancer. I have a three business to show high school year books that show me evil atheistic way of life oh and US patents letters from my attorney that is congratulating me on my successful filing and acceptance of my patent.
Sure you do. Sure you do. "Pride goeth before the fall". Your sins of pride are egregious. LOL. You do not follow the Jesus you pretend to follow.
Your mentality is that of an 11 year old. You have medical records of a burst appendix ? LOL. So what ?
2 - 5 percent of those with appendicitis get it. All it means is that you didn't go to the doctor when you should have.
Just like you could not interpret Voltaire correctly, I seriously doubt you can interpret medical records correctly. Dismissed.
Quote:I know who bonhoeffer was, i was just highlighting the fact that a bohnffee was what you and your hero offered in the way of a surchage for a 'happy ending on date night.
Sure you do, sure you do. But you are so ignorant you can't capitalize his name, or use a spell-checker ? LOL As usual your fake excuse makes no sense. Another stupid joke to DEFLECT from the FACT that you don't know who Bonhoeffer was, or what he wrote. You have no clue what he missed or didn't miss. You never once read ANYTHING he wrote and cannot and did not QUOTE him. Yeah douche bag, you're LYING again, just like you lied about your banning at AD. You are nothing by a LIAR Dripshit. A Liar. No one believes ANYTHING you write. Nothing. Your "content" demonstrates you know nothing about any relevant subject. Your "content" proves nothing about what you claim. You cannot and did not quote Dr. Bonhoeffer. You can't and you won't. You're a two-bit lying religious fraud. All you could do was copy-paste a bunch of irrelevant nonsense.
Quote:this is one of three forums, plus reddit and 3 facebook chats i do. plus again my full time job.
Such a busy guy. Busy. Busy for Jebus. .
So you waste your time a lot. So what. You have NO converts or followers, here or anywhere.
Your full time job as a douch bag ? You have proved on the forums we read your shit on, that you are totally wasting your time.
You are a hateful mentally ill nut case, suffering from Dunning-Krueger. I see that REALLY got to you. LOL.
You STILL have not addressed the POINTS raised in my post. A lot of bluster and childish BS and bla bla bla .... but no response to the POINTS.
Nothing but a bunch of copy-paste, stupid jokes and NOTHING to the point.
You're such a great Christian. Why would ANYONE be stupid enough to want to be a part of religion, if it make s YOU like you are ?
You're the BEST advertisement for atheism/non-belief there could possibly be. Do keep it up. LOL. Thanks for all you do for atheism.