watching the news and they reported that trump is wrongfully accusing antifa for enticing riots supplying brick, and possible funding and even importing rioters from other parts of the country by busing them in and paying rioters up 25 dollars per hour, a bus ticket food and hotel housing for the rioters. they showed several want ads from craigslist and the like as proof. but the media say this is not the work of antifa but some un named white supermasist group!?! which white supremacist has the power and resources to do this? i look up a list of active groups kkk and neo nazis are still the biggest but their numbers are dwindling. so who are these new groups if not antifa? (which btw is a group who has been around since the nazi days of Germany as they were the communist german sect who has lots of power players and influence like Russia backing them) They do square off with the neo nazis from time to time, but it is clear no nazi groups are apart of the riots in force.
Plus if you watch the on site videos there are far too many collage age girls instigating and causing trouble for this to not be a more liberal minded riot. unless racism and misogyny has made a come back in popularity on collage campuses.
Plus if you watch the on site videos there are far too many collage age girls instigating and causing trouble for this to not be a more liberal minded riot. unless racism and misogyny has made a come back in popularity on collage campuses.