(November 20, 2020 at 1:50 pm)Drich Wrote: i am assuming most of you heard Ruddy's speech yesterday and i will not need to post it again.. but to sum it up. they seized the dominion servers in germany, they have several people who worked there in exchange for immunity, along with several hundred affidavits of fraud ( examples: 10,000 mail in ballots were issued in a given county in Mi. and 20,000 were returned, thousands of biden only ballots meaning on the voting ballot no other votes were cast but for biden, no senators no amendments no house members.. just biden showed up during the 2am counting cut off and the 4am restart.. no id's no wat to identify the ballots just thousand of biden only votes being run through the machines while everyone else was gone.. then the lack of republican poll watchers being allowed to inspect and observe is several states. (these poll watchers help certify signatures, generally you have a rep and a dim, who both look at a mail in ballot and at the signature and both have to agree the sig matches the one on file.) they were kicked out and not allowed to watch or object to 100,000s of votes in major cities..
Long story short it looks like trump won by a massive landslide. not only does trump win the electoral votes but the popular vote.
when this all comes out and the information if proven to be factual, what will you biden people do? shrug it off go back to work or do we have more riots to look forward to? or will you people finally stop and examine everything you have been told these last 4 years for what they are? lies deceit propaganda from the left? look at how the news coddles joe when have joe and all the horrible stuff he has done as vice president/he is wanted for a class A felony in the ukraine for bribery
here he is BRAGGING about doing it! he had him fired because they were investigating his son for extorting/selling access to joe..
whether you know this or not this senerio is exactly what they accused trump of doing with russia/the whole impeachment.
so while the news and the polsi in the house see this is enough to impeach trump on with no evidence ( proven hoax) they give biden a pass while we have him on tape in his own words admitting to this offense. and not ukrainian officials seek to prosecute him for it. then we will have this rigged election.. supposedly we have a dominion exec who has turn coat and named some really big names in this attempt to steal the election.
if not now, when does the critical examination of why you believe occur? what massive event must happen before you take stock and examine what you believe? when will you consider 'main stream news unreliable? i'm seriously asking these questions.
Yea yea yea yea, Big Foot is real, Vampires are real, and The Washington Football Team won the Super Bowl last year.