(November 1, 2011 at 9:39 pm)DeistPaladin Wrote: Have you seen this question?
You see, I doubt very seriously that you were unable to function until someone told you "JesusWillsIt" and then suddenly everything made sense and all things flow from the simple axiom. I think it's more likely you were a Christian long before you heard the TAG argument.
Where did I say all Christians were automatically rational? I had some holes in my reasoning before I studied up on presuppositionalism. However, it helped me learn how to be a rational thinker and how to reason downward from my ultimate axiom. It also helped me come to the realization that unbelievers are even worse off than I was before I studied up. They have to borrow from the Christian worldview in order to argue against it and by doing so they prove the validity of the Christian worldview. I’ll be honest, I was a bit skeptical when I first heard the TAG, I figured there had to be an unbeliever out there somewhere who could account for the laws of logic, morality, the uniformity of nature, etc. I am no longer a skeptic though, I have not run into one who can even come close, you have helped me out on that one, so I thank you for that.
Quote: Which explains how blood sacrifice makes everything better how...?
The only person who could justly substitute for a totally guilty person is a wholly innocent person. Since none exist, it makes complete sense for God to send His son to do the work on our part. I can’t think of a more perfect display of grace, love, and justice.
Topping off the post with an appeal to authority. Bravo.
Appeal to authority is only fallacious if the authority is not qualified in the topic of discussion, since the topic at hand is rationality and logic, os of course appealing to logicians is not a fallacious appeal to authority. Today’s lesson in logic has been brought to you by the number 3, and the letter L.