OANN* is reporting that 17,000+ GOP voters were trapped in an elevator in Georgia** and couldn't vote. They're demanding a do-over.
*One America News Network. A "news source" somewhat to the right of Der Stürmer***.
** A&E's reality show, "Live Rescue" keeps a running tally of people stuck in an elevator in Savannah. Current score, seventy-seven.
*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_St%C3%BCrmer
*One America News Network. A "news source" somewhat to the right of Der Stürmer***.
** A&E's reality show, "Live Rescue" keeps a running tally of people stuck in an elevator in Savannah. Current score, seventy-seven.
*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_St%C3%BCrmer