No the happiness I get from it is of course a by-product. I'd rather others were happy than myself. Why should I put myself above others when there are so many other people than me(?)
I get cranky sometimes of course (I'm only human) - but whether I'm happy or not, I'd rather others were happy than not.
I don't put myself above or behind people. I put myself on the same level...and I 'demote' myself if I feel guilty and I 'demote' others if they're being very disrespectful, and if not for the good of others or myself - for the good of that very person to perhaps 'teach them a lesson'--however small of course--by showing them I'm not going to respect them if they're going to be disrespectful...etc, etc.
Of course I'm not totally consistent. Like I said - I'm only human. But I would think I am at least at heart...and I try to be.
And if I am indeed actually 'in denial'...then if that ever turns out to be the case at least I will have learnt something about myself, have something to work on - and hopefully somehow be able to learn to be altruistic for real from then on
I think to be kind to others it takes an understanding of others (empathy etc) - and to do this it's important to have an understanding of yourself first. Those who put others totally before themselves (rather than on even keel...not behind not in front) - I do think often are doing so simply because of guilt of whatever...and anyway - why should you be unkind to yourself either?
At heart I would hope I am altruistic . So if I'm not always in practice I'd claim I am in principle (however you interpret that) - I try.
I get cranky sometimes of course (I'm only human) - but whether I'm happy or not, I'd rather others were happy than not.
I don't put myself above or behind people. I put myself on the same level...and I 'demote' myself if I feel guilty and I 'demote' others if they're being very disrespectful, and if not for the good of others or myself - for the good of that very person to perhaps 'teach them a lesson'--however small of course--by showing them I'm not going to respect them if they're going to be disrespectful...etc, etc.
Of course I'm not totally consistent. Like I said - I'm only human. But I would think I am at least at heart...and I try to be.
And if I am indeed actually 'in denial'...then if that ever turns out to be the case at least I will have learnt something about myself, have something to work on - and hopefully somehow be able to learn to be altruistic for real from then on
I think to be kind to others it takes an understanding of others (empathy etc) - and to do this it's important to have an understanding of yourself first. Those who put others totally before themselves (rather than on even keel...not behind not in front) - I do think often are doing so simply because of guilt of whatever...and anyway - why should you be unkind to yourself either?
At heart I would hope I am altruistic . So if I'm not always in practice I'd claim I am in principle (however you interpret that) - I try.