I appreciate the time you've dedicated to the conversation. I'm not aware of salty's claims, nor do I have the time to review what she has claimed and give my interpretation of it. I also have to say that I have real questions about the intent of any substance monist, especially one that doesn’t believe in free will, would have any comment in this thread at all. Firstly I’ll address assumptions, then the other points:
1) The assumptions here are not complex. The topic is “Is there free will in Heaven?” That assumes, for this discussion , that there is a Heaven, there is free will and by default I assume the Christian flavor. That further assumes that the Christian concept of a soul would exist in Heaven. I stopped there because those are the parameters of this discussion. If you can’t accept the parameters of the question as a possibility, then I don’t know why you’re even discussing it.
2) Fixed nature- I am a substance dualist. I believe we are more than the sum of our biological processes. I also happen to have a Religious belief that defines what that extra is. These aren’t the topics of this conversation, but I’m happy to discuss them with you elsewhere.
3) I’m agnostic on most topics, so I don’t believe in truth as a realistic or achievable goal, especially in the realm of the immaterial. In that realm logically consistent and indicative, even if just subjectively, would be sufficient for possible or personal truth.
4) You asked for a study that showed free will. I listed the first one I had reviewed. It shows free will is logically possible and indicative. I did that because you had a problem with free will, despite me asking you to define it (I’m fairly certain I did ask, or at least intended to). It’s a moot point because free will is covered by the assumptions of the discussion.
5) If you would like me to or would like to we can continue the discussion, but I feel this is a good place to set some definitions. Define a soul, define Heaven, define free will, and define a soul. That seems like a good place to get a more structured conversation going, if you’re interested still.
I appreciate the time you've dedicated to the conversation. I'm not aware of salty's claims, nor do I have the time to review what she has claimed and give my interpretation of it. I also have to say that I have real questions about the intent of any substance monist, especially one that doesn’t believe in free will, would have any comment in this thread at all. Firstly I’ll address assumptions, then the other points:
1) The assumptions here are not complex. The topic is “Is there free will in Heaven?” That assumes, for this discussion , that there is a Heaven, there is free will and by default I assume the Christian flavor. That further assumes that the Christian concept of a soul would exist in Heaven. I stopped there because those are the parameters of this discussion. If you can’t accept the parameters of the question as a possibility, then I don’t know why you’re even discussing it.
2) Fixed nature- I am a substance dualist. I believe we are more than the sum of our biological processes. I also happen to have a Religious belief that defines what that extra is. These aren’t the topics of this conversation, but I’m happy to discuss them with you elsewhere.

3) I’m agnostic on most topics, so I don’t believe in truth as a realistic or achievable goal, especially in the realm of the immaterial. In that realm logically consistent and indicative, even if just subjectively, would be sufficient for possible or personal truth.
4) You asked for a study that showed free will. I listed the first one I had reviewed. It shows free will is logically possible and indicative. I did that because you had a problem with free will, despite me asking you to define it (I’m fairly certain I did ask, or at least intended to). It’s a moot point because free will is covered by the assumptions of the discussion.
5) If you would like me to or would like to we can continue the discussion, but I feel this is a good place to set some definitions. Define a soul, define Heaven, define free will, and define a soul. That seems like a good place to get a more structured conversation going, if you’re interested still.
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari