So, about that Colin Kaepernick slavery Netflix special. Does anyone else think Kaepernick is suffering from psychosis or something like that? Does he likely have issues with mental illness?
Sonny Hosten from the view suffers from the same mental condition it seems. On the View, she said she saw her son getting measured for football, and it made her feel "some type of way". Is this rational in any conceivable way, or can this just be boiled down to some form of mental illness? This is what a lot of us non-wokes see when we hear all of this talk about micro-aggressions. We just can't fathom how any of this makes sense. Having to get your vertical measured so you can make millions of dollars playing football is not 'slavery'. A sports draft is not a 'slave auction'. Of course there's a power imbalance. It's called employee and employer, like for everyone else. Where does slavery come into this? Are you ok Colin? You signed a contract with Nike, who basically uses slave labour, and you are the slave in this whole situation? This kind of maddening propaganda, along with much of the microaggression talk, only serves to hurt the movement and to hurt black people, because people are going to take Kaepernick a lot less seriously now, and are in turn going to take his message overall less seriously.
Props to Kaepernick for getting the kneeling thing started and for sacrificing at the beginning, but at this point he's sinking his reputation and he's going to be remembered as another Kyrie Irving flat earther type.
Sonny Hosten from the view suffers from the same mental condition it seems. On the View, she said she saw her son getting measured for football, and it made her feel "some type of way". Is this rational in any conceivable way, or can this just be boiled down to some form of mental illness? This is what a lot of us non-wokes see when we hear all of this talk about micro-aggressions. We just can't fathom how any of this makes sense. Having to get your vertical measured so you can make millions of dollars playing football is not 'slavery'. A sports draft is not a 'slave auction'. Of course there's a power imbalance. It's called employee and employer, like for everyone else. Where does slavery come into this? Are you ok Colin? You signed a contract with Nike, who basically uses slave labour, and you are the slave in this whole situation? This kind of maddening propaganda, along with much of the microaggression talk, only serves to hurt the movement and to hurt black people, because people are going to take Kaepernick a lot less seriously now, and are in turn going to take his message overall less seriously.
Props to Kaepernick for getting the kneeling thing started and for sacrificing at the beginning, but at this point he's sinking his reputation and he's going to be remembered as another Kyrie Irving flat earther type.