(December 12, 2021 at 1:01 pm)Irreligious Atheist Wrote: The language police are infecting all of society bit by bit, so I don't see how it's stirring an empty pot. About 15 years ago, celebs and activists started putting out campaigns about how we should stop saying "that's gay". 15 years later, and now the activists are telling us that it's best to refer to bio males as "people who can get testicular cancer". If this nonsensical attempt to change pretty much all of our language doesn't bother you, then that's fine and to each his own, but a lot of people are going to call this nonsense out. The people involved in making and editing that AMA suggestion list are probably the type that would get micro-agressed to the moon by hearing someone say Columbus discovered America. Well, he did discover America. If anyone needs to get micro-agressed by hearing a doctor talk about their condition in a non-flattering way, maybe it's the people who are a couple years away from the grave because of how much they eat and don't exercise or move around. We shouldn't be sugar coating things, just like I wouldn't sugar coat them smoking three packs of smokes a day or being a crack addict, especially when you have the fat acceptance movement out there pushing propaganda about how it's not unhealthy to be obese. You have people like Tess Holiday who are put on the cover of magazines and presented as role models while they talk about being healthy at 400 pounds and how it's fat-phobic for someone who has lost weight to say that they improved themselves. This anti-science propaganda needs to be challenged.

Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.